- “Think of the children” = Think of me
- “You are so selfish” = You are not giving me enough attention, time, money or adoration
- “You made a fool of yourself this evening” (after a social engagement) = You took the limelight away from me – how dare you
- “I’d love to but…” = There is nothing in it for me/I can’t be bothered
- “Stop showing off” = Stop trying to take the attention away from me.
- “That person is an idiot” = This person is highly intelligent and I feel threatened by her/him
- “This person is a complete attention seeker” = This person is in competition for attention with me and I do not like it at all.
- “Such a person said that I am the best cook/singer/musician/actor/politician etc.” = Lie, this is something that a non-narcissist would ever say (even if they thought it)
- “You said that you loved me” = You cannot stop taking excessive care of me and my needs.
- “How could you do this to me” = I am the victim here and it is ALL your fault even though I was abusing you
- “you are so selfish, think about the children” – Who is going to mind ME
- “We had it so good why do you have to go and destroy it all” = you were such an easy person to manipulate and an excellent source of narcissistic supply, how can you possibly leave me
- “You have gone mad? You need to go to therapy” = It is really upsetting me that you want to stop serving me in the way that I have become accustomed to
- “You are completely crazy?” = you are beginning to see the real me
- “I just want what is best for you” = I just want what is best for me/I demand that you put my needs before your own
- “I know everything that is worth knowing” = I don’t know about the subject that you are referring to, so I will dismiss it as irrelevant
- “I just want to help” = I just want to interfere in your life
- “I love you” = I want you to love me and give me all your attention and resources
- “I love you soooo much” = you are really easy to manipulate and are good at providing me with the attention and resources that I want, I am manipulating by giving you the “validation” you want
- “I was just joking” = I was testing your boundaries, I realise I pushed too far, but that is your fault
- “You are so sensitive” = You are not supposed to reply in a negative way when I abuse you.
- “Stop acting the victim” = You are not supposed to notice that I am being abusive
- “The sacrifices that I have made for you” = I might have done something for you that wasn’t absolutely in my own interest, it still upsets me.
- “You are so ungrateful” = You are not being a good enough audience for me. Up the praise level.
- If you suggest that you are going to do something nice for someone else to a narcissist, such as visit someone in hospital or buy them a wedding present their default reaction is to block you and they will say things like “they said that they didn’t want visitors” = I don’t want you to visit them because I have no intention of doing so and if you go it will make me look bad/ don’t buy them a present it will only embarrass them = I don’t want to buy them a present, I cannot be bothered and so I don’t want you to either.
Stock defence phrases from a narcissist in an argument
- “You’re being irrational” = You’re “making” me look like I am in the wrong
- “You should see a shrink” = Stop being rational
- “You’ve got a very lively imagination” = I don’t like what you are saying so I will discard it as fantasy
- “I don’t recall it happening that way” = I am not going to admit to any fault
- “Why are you being so aggressive?” = stop defending yourself
- “You always say that” = I didn’t take your argument on board the last time and I am not going to consider it this time either, it doesn’t suit me.
- “Why do you always have to be so immature?” = Don’t try to draw me into a rational argument/this is a no go area
- “I am not yelling I am just telling you” = I am yelling
- “You need to communicate more effectively” = I do not like what you are saying
- “Why do you always have to pick fights?” = It is really annoying when you pull me up on my bad behaviour
- “I am just going to assume that you are premenstrual!” = I am going to discard anything you say
- “I am just going to assume that you are over tired” = I am going to ignore you
- “Yeah right”, “Oh sure” = I am not going to respond to you in a way that can further this discussion
- “You are not in a stable state of mind at the moment” = I am not going to respect anything that you say
- “You’re mad, crazy, depressed etc.” = I don’t have to listen to you
- “I met so and so the other day and s/he said that you were acting in a really weird way” = I am drawing in invisible backup with lies
- “You have no friends for a reason” = I have no friends
- “Now look what you made me do!” = I know I did something bad but it is your fault
- “You have changed a lot you are not the person that I married” = I have moved into the demeaning part of our “relationship”
- “You are always so controlling” = don’t play my game with me
- “We only get invited to these events because everyone loves me, you should be grateful” = I am more important than you